Five Point Perspective Sketching

Years ago when I was doodling in my highschool classes, I got really into drawing these funny looking spheres.

If you've heard of drawing in 1-point or 2-point perspective, it's the same idea: Points on the page represent different axes. Choose a spot on the page and draw lines towards the appropriate vanishing points. The key difference is that in 5-point perspective, lines curve along the x and y axes.

How does this magical contraption perform its wizardry?

While drawing on the canvas there are three guide lines you can lock onto: the two ellipses on the x/y axis and the z line, pointing to the center. Hold down the x,y, or z keys and begin drawing. You will see a line drawn along the selected axis. It can be finicky but I hope you have fun!

Key Binding Settings


Sketch of spikey sphere Sketch of sphere Sketch of sphere Sketch of sphere

Created by Ashley Anderson - Open source code available on Github :)